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af Mil Jan Wind Tlf 42 10 1730
Min opfattelse af virkeligheden med forbehold.

23. oktober
"Tænk ikke på det, du har oplevet, men på MIG, som gav oplevelsen. Følg mig med dine øjne - lær af mig.
Når dit ønske og min vilje smelter sammen, sker underet. - 'Har jeg ikke sagt dig, at hvis du tror, skal du se Guds herlighed?'
(Johs. 11:40)http://www.medjugorje.org
October 02, 2012 Message to Mirjana

"Dear children; I am calling you and am coming among you because I need you. I need apostles with a pure heart. I am praying, and you should also pray, that the Holy Spirit may enable and lead you, that He may illuminate you and fill you with love and humility. Pray that He may fill you with grace and mercy. Only then will you understand me, my children. Only then will you understand my pain because of those who have not come to know the love of God. Then you will be able to help me. You will be my light-bearers of God’s love. You will illuminate the way for those who have been given eyes but do not want to see. I desire for all of my children to see my Son. I desire for all of my children to experience His Kingdom. Again I call you and implore you to pray for those whom my Son has called. Thank you."

Kl. 22:33 Oktober 22. 2012
Jeg har gået hele daget og kommet til forståelse af at man arbejder alene, MED GUD.
Erkendelsen kom i morges, hvor jeg opdagede at det er en byrde, at skulle servicere andre dagen lang..
Jeg havde ellers glædet mig til at skulle kopiere andres succes.
Jeg havde enda købt og betalt hjemmesiden: www.theholychurch.com 10 år frem i sin tid.
Men i dag glædede det mig, at jeg ikke skulle måle min succes på den måde.
Men det er stadig mærkeligt, at man ikke kan være flere om at forstå Gud.
Alle i Himmelen beder til at du og jeg og mange flere kommer i følelsesmæssig samkvem med Personen Jesus.
Som en prædikant havde opdaget: Jesus lever, Jesus er opstanden.
Jesus er aldrig blevet omtalt som afdøde.
Selv Martin Luther råbte en gang: Han lever!


WW Obamacare. Kl. 5:20 Ordet har lydt i mine tanker hele dagen i går, her til morgen og måske dagene forinden.
Mærkeligt at Præsident Obama ikke spiller sit bedste kort.
Måske skyldes det at debatten styres af arangørerne.
Men hvem arangerer så præsidentdebatterne?

My comment to Obamacare:
I Denmark we are heading to the highest level of social care, the last step seems to be ahead.
In the Kingdom, of the Lord, Jesus Christ (and of the Prince of Denmark) there are 3 periods of public service.
Jesus had to be 30 years of age, before He was allowed to speak in Public.
Old law, and old tradition.
The priests end their work as Priests when they reach 50 years of age.

Social care?
The young people under 30 years of age, has to study, to be taught, etc.
The elderly people older than 50 has to enjoy life, and support the young people, who works, study, and have family.
But this is not what went through my mind!
This is it:

The American Goal should be:
10 % of all public pension, should go to the 10 % of the poor people in the country.
This is the first step, the first goal, of God. Saying bring Tithe to my storehouse. That I (the Lord) can bless you, and keep your enemies away from you. (This is not a solemn scripture to be found in the Bible, but probably a mix of several Scriptures.)
I Denmark we have a Social Care beyond all imagination, no foreigner could ever dream of the Danish Social System.
If you are selected to become a minister, you have to be a minister for 1 year.
In this time you have rights to withdraw as working minister, and take care of your newborn child, Even if you are an man. (Jan Sjursen a Christian Democrats, did so. I have been told.)
The time left for him, to work, is only a few month.
After this time of work, he can receive 20 times more in pension etc. as a nurse came earn a year. (A nurse earn maybe 300.000.- DKr / or 60.000.- US $) A public minister makes 7 mill DKr or 1.300.000 US $
But this is the TOP, of how the Danes spend their public money.
On the other hand, there at people in Public service, who get several times more in pension etc., than a Minister.
An he is paid well, to make it possible to keep the high payments, all the way down to the postman. (We are in a year long process now, ending this special: Pension of a public servant, = tjenestemandspension).

I have been told a Danish Soldier, earn 6 $ an hour on a mission in Afghanistan.
At home he could earn 3 times more saying 18 $ an hour by working for at Mc Donnalds.
If you read this, don't run for a job in Denmark. Before you can save money, you had to spend 70 % on tax of all kind, not leaving more than a dollar or five for you to save.

But and this is The Care I'm talking about:
If a soldier, or a civilian, become sick, mental or psychical, he may end on a lifetime pension.
Having 80% of a low-income compared with people who do work.
A standard pension, is maybe 30 % of the workers. With special needs, you may have these covered by special and public service. (Special needs is medicine, wheelchair, living on a nursery home, etc. All paid by the public tax.)
It is extreme expensive. And it is not a 5 years goal to reach.
We have spend 60 Years in Denmark to build up this system, since the World War 2.
If you need a 100 years, in your country, then do it. Start to day: Talking about it.
Let your prime goal be 10 %
In Heaven, on the Planet Heaven, in and outside Heavenly Jerusalem, there are no money, plenty of Gold etc. But no money, and no sickness etc.
Start with 10 % and you will end with 100 %, With 100 % everyone get what he need.
With the new Industry, we can make machines of various kinds, for our homes, With electricity from the sun, we can make our home machines work, without money.
The world change, day by day, hour by hour.

This message was finished A.M. 6:30 on October 23. 2012 and people all over the world was able to read a ½ hour later, after I had checked the spelling. (finished A.M. 6:45)