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af Mil Jan Wind Tlf 42 10 1730
Min opfattelse af virkeligheden med forbehold.

August 17. 2013 A.M. 3:17 I had a dream, I had bought the Church, I got the Key, and together with 50 or less other keys it was one of the keys in my hand, I showed one that I could open up the front door, the main entrance, and close it again. He showed me his extra key, at digital paper key, and 2-5 metre from the door, he tried to open it, with his special paper key. But the keyhole turned to be for trash, ashes and a garbage can.
The key to the front door was plain as one we all have, a Ruko a Yale or any 6-7 or 9 pin front door lock.
I left the front door open, went in to the church and found them, and all the world of ministering churches full of activities, the church was pretty empty, but huge, I have been there before and been around in every corner of it in my earlier dreams. I have even my chamber, secret and huge, hitting in a way, that I can come around all over the church. (above the central organ, surrounded by thousand of beautiful seats, as many as in a stadium, this is huge, I'm telling about. many times bigger than Saint Peter in Rome. If a little bird fly up to the top, you would hardly see it, but hear it you could.
There was dark, no sunshine, warm feelings, red and old brown wood, oil paintings, as found in Louvre, huge and the whole church seems old as the most beautiful oil paintings from the time of fine art.
Two girls working there, took care of me, and I saw their rooms, one has already empty her room, the one I loved most, And I said: You stay, We will make a better room for you, please stay. Let us tell the other pastors, that they can continue their services, as they use to do.
Actually, it was a long dream, I'll make it short.
Inside the church, on my way trying to show these two fine women, my place, I met a lot of people, pastors and some old friends, (I had never seen before, but they recognize me and we felt, as we knew each other, as we had seen one another before, but this is a dream, everything is possible) one said hej to me, came to me, while he and his group of leaders passed by me, shake hand and I said again, Everything continue as you use to do.
August 17. 2013 P.M. 3:09 (= 15:09) The dream continues.
I have never tried this before, that the dream goes on, the very same day. (After a few hours sleep at noon to day.)
I was outside the Church building, it was huge, two young people, boys, was trying to go in with new trash bags, he had 4 or five in his hand, the door was closed, we were at the backdoor, I told them about me and that I would help, if I had the key. No problems he said, and put a standard key in, like the one used in a toilet door, in a private home, and by second and closer look, the same looked like an nail in the locker, and the door sprang open. I ask him for a copy, that was easy.
I didn't get one. And inside the building, we were, talking.
But outside I told them, that the other trash bags, should be brought to the front door.
It was told to us, that there were a General Conference in the church.
I wonder, because no one could hear or feel that there were so many people in the church-building.
Some noise came from the stair going up, from our place in the corner, I said don't worry, no one harm you from this place or building, workers came down to us. The first one we could see was filled with materials all over his face, dusty white paint and filler. We talk same language, Danish, and he or one of the other gave me my key, left behind this morning. Another one said, something, about people from Slagelse, a Danish town. He could not understand the difference between me an my type, and them and their type. But he was the only one with that opinion, the other workers, a small group, had no problems with Gods Church Building being open for all people with a key. How ever it looks. I got my key, it was the same as this morning, but it has an extra hack on the side, with red paint. not only the 7 or 9 on the edge, but an extra on the side, same size, but still different.
I can see that the Lord want us to understand, that any worker had a key to this building, I bought it, Yes, my key had an extra mark on the side of the key, Yes. That mark make me special, you would have the same, if you followed Jesus as many before did me. It's a priesthood mark, saying: I once sacrificed my self to God, and was accepted. It was in a prayer, even in the water, looking up in the stars, being baptized, alone, but with angles, I could hear them later, after I was newborn, the same evening. This happened before I tried to become a priest.
I succeeded and was blessed and ordained as priest in The Mormon Church, and left it after 10 years, in 1985 or some 30 years ago. They have a secret Freemason sermon talking about the nail marks, and I found one more of my friends, who got the same feeling once.
And out of this gray zone people there are a few, who want more and more Jesus. Franz Assisis was the first or second known person, and 900 people has followed Franz and Anna Catherine Emmerich, to become the most famous of the 900. Padre Pio from Saint Giovanni in Italy, was stigmatized in 50 years, its a goldmine of precious knowledge about God and Heaven, to be a pilgrim in their remains and in their life.
August 17 2013 A.M. 4:08 Egypt.
War in Egypt. And from where comes the prayers to stop it?
From whom come the prayer to end the war?
From a believer of course: From USA I believe.
Yesterday was the day of answering your prayer.
Yesterday, was the plan made. To day, at this moment, after this dream, I can see and understand it.
This is what will stop the war, an all religious war in the future.
Knowledge. and more knowledge. Will take the poor people out of the old time they live in. Like in North Vietnam, where I pad has come to the new leader, in one of the worlds last countries with the old original communism. As we know it from the history, (I lived at that time, I'm old history as well)
In Iran, one of the old Islam countries, like Afghanistan, there has been a change, bringing us to The Arabian Spring. (time) or how you say it in English.
In Afghanistan most people die before 30, most people is under 25, a person more than 50 is rare, only a few become that old. But knowledge will keep them alive.
They will of cause hunger for more knowledge, they need to, if they will stay alive.
In Egypt they can expect to be 70 before they are old.

40% of these young Islam people has a mobile phone, already. The internet with its www wav wav wav is the 6th letter in Hebrew 666 is the huge animal killing the known world.

This is what will go and happened:
Knowledge will fill the world, as the water did in the Days of Noah.
The water will com back in the sky, as before Noah, our age will be as before Noah, double up, because the cosmic radiation will fall.
All carbon 14 as used for determine the age of the world, was made after the Flood, before the flood, there was practical none cosmic radiation on earth. For that reason are bones from pre Noah 10 - 30 or even 50 thousand years old.
Food are made easy in our modern world. This make it possible for people to have children who will not die of hunger.

We will be 10 billion people, who cares? If we were 100 billions it would be the same, because of knowledge to the Lord, love one another, etc.
Because of the more moisture, in the sky, in the air, all because the temperature is growing 3 or 4 degrees, rain will soon fall in the desert, and make even more food as we know of to day. 2 or 3 times harvest every year. In Heaven the trees bear fruit all year, every month you can harvest new fruit, from the same tree.
You can listen and find out the future, or you can turn away and live as a ignorant. But the young people will run for it, to make and live the future of tomorrow, now

Don't worry, give the future to The Lord.
Let His message been known.

August 17. 2013 12:36
Money to Egypt? Statistic figures in 2005
In Denmark they say no more money, to Egypt.
I say yes, give them money. As you use to do.
Don't argue with Judas, they will loose their money. And Judas died in the end.
USA give or lend 2 billion dollars every year.
Male income a year is 7.000.- US $
Female income a year is 1635 US $
Donation beside this is 1 billion US $
The 2 billion $ a year, for the military is ½ billion for weapons etc.
There is approx. 500.000 men in military, coastguard and alike.
There is about 70 million people in Egypt.
But look for your self.

(We could hire 5 women for the cost of one man. What a change that would bring to the country.)
17. august
"Lev af og i Mit Ord, bed om Min Ånds lys over Ordet, så undgår I teoretiske læresætninger.
Tag jer i agt for faste regler og former, søg sandheden og vejen i Mig - Jeg er Sandheden og Vejen og Livet.
Træd lige spor på lige veje, men sæt jeres håb til Mig! Af Kærlighed har Jeg frelst jer, af Min Kærlighed skal I leve. Hold jer på Kærlighedsvejen, hold jer nær til Mig. Det drejer sig om hvem I tror! "

August 17 2013. Kl. 5:00 Lidt speciel dag i dag. Som et jordskælv, som en Tzunami i Japan, for år tilbage. Ventet og her sker det så.

Jeg har valgt engelsk, og lavet følgende tekst og link hertil fra www.41f8.com

August 17. 2013 A dream and the answer from the Lord about the future i Egypt, and in the world.

Problemerne og baggrunden for bøn og svar er at Amerikanerne giver 30 % af Ægyptens natinaløkonomi til Militær mm, Israel donerer også mange penge.
40 % af alle forretninger ejes den vej af Amerikanske penge.
60% af alle i Ægypten får løn, helt eller delvis af USA

Og Amerikanerne falder på deres knæ, sidder, eller står, ligger og tænker: Åh Gud hjælp os, i vor nød.
Derfor Hjælper Gud, nu og på denne måde. Og Han bliver aldrig færdig med at hjælpe. Vi skal bare lytte hver især. Det gjorde Jesus muligt for os.