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(alle datoer)- fra mig. Det er mig velbehageligt og dig til velsignelse."
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12. juli
- Herre Jesus, lad mig se ind i dit væsen. Jeg tror - og jeg ved - at du er Kærlighed. "Dersom du tror, skal du se! Så fortsæt med at gå i tiltro til det, du kender af min kærlighed!
Jeg ønsker at give dig den tro, som er virksom i Kærlighed. Bliv derfor i min Kærlighed, der fødes og der vokser din kærlighed frem.
Ingen kan elske af sig selv undtagen Gud. Jeg er Guds Kærlighed levet på Jorden, - levet og levende i mennesker, som giver mig rum."
Kl 01:51 2023 juni 12
En ny chokerende åbenbaring fra Gud Den Almægtige, Jesus Hans førstefødte søn og Helligånden, som i en dues skikkelse kaldte Jesus for Den enborne Søn, i Hvem hun har velbehag, som et tillæg fra Himmelen, da Jesus trådte op af Dåbens Vande. Før Han tog Sin Åndelige Kamp, hvortil der var afsat 40 dages faste, dagene er fuldt ud beskrevet af AKE i Guds Åbenbaringer af Jesus liv. Jeg leverer bøgerne på
Kl 1:51 Juni 12 2023, den chokerende Åbenbaring blev leveret af Julie Green, (pas på hun bliver kopieret af en anden skuespiller, som også hedder Julie Green, men som arbejder som en Diesney skuespiller, der også får åbenbaringer, men hendes, (= den anden Julie Green er 100 % fake) hendes åbenbaringer, er afsløringer som er kreeret af Guds og dine modstandere.
Jeg kan se det, fordi de prøver. De bruger det sprog, jeg har forklaret i årevis, som også er Guds billed sprog, Julie og Troy Black gør et fremragende stykke arbejde, nøjagtigt som jeg gjorde i de sidste 50 år. Min første hjemmeside blev skabt i Januar 1999 og top of www
Kl 2:18 De 6 % i rente som bruges af Federal Reserve, blev indført efter min anbefaling til Præsident Bill Clinton, fordi man dengang ville gå højere i renter til banklån. Ud fra mine erfaringer i Danmark, kan 6 procent være tåleligt, og være til at leve med, sagde jeg, dengang.
Man lod sig opfordre til at bygge huse, og sælge dem til almindelige mennesker, som så købte husene i stedet for at leje dem.
Men svindlere lavede renten tidsbegrænset, så efter nogle år, steg renten væsentligt over de "tålelige" 6 %
Det blev stort set alle hjemløse, mange sorte mennesker beklagede sig, så selv jeg kunne læse om det skandaløse trik, helt ovre på den anden side af kloden. (De er fuldt ud berettiget til erstatning).

Federal reserve, er i dag, og har været det siden DT blev Præsident, en underskudsgivende forretning.
I DT's dage blev der optaget lån, for en samlet sum, som var 100 gange større end USA kunne betale tilbage. JB's dage blev der printet Stats låns beviser helt vildt, så den totale gæld til "Den Gamle Kongress" nu er 1000 gange større, end USA's formåen.
De er vanvittigt tossede, og bilder stadig folk ind: At de plejer at betale, det de skylder. Til tiden. (Jeg har brugt runde tal i denne tekst). De rigtige tal, er på nettet, med de er godt skjult, så godt man nu kan. Og stadig indrømme, at de er offentliggjort.
Så ja, det er kun et spørgsmål om tid, dage, uger, måneder? så er deres statsgældsbeviser værdiløse. Israel og England, har allerede taget stor afstand til disse nu: Værdiløse værdipapirer.
Der er særlige regler omkring: Hvem der kan eje dem.
I begyndelsen, tænker jeg, brugte man dem til at købe varer for i udlandet.
Jeg kunne opfatte det som: at Kina og andre lande betalte skat til USA på den måde. Amerikanerne betalte med statsgældsbeviser. Og overskuddet blev overført til Congressen. (Indtil DT blev valgt til at være Præsident).
Næsten alle Præsidenter er i familie med Kong Charles. Som er Kongen i det Globale Skakspil, som Jesus med fornøjelse deltager i.
Kongen er Skak Mat, han er den Elite, som jeg har fået særlig lov til at forkynde evangeliet for, sammen med mange andre prædikanter.
Jesus er alle steder, og Gud er også Deres Far og Skaber.
Deres skæbner er meget afhængig af om de lytter til Gud, eller om de fortsat tror de er smartere end Gud, Deres Skaber.
De burde ikke dø Helvedet, for Jesus har vundet over døden, den er ikke mere. Men ellers så fortsætter deres kamp i Helvedet.Stedet: Hvor deres elskede løgner administrerer Gud straffe, personligt til dem, hver især.
Det kan man også læse om i min tidlige hjemmeside, nu:

Dragen, er bare en lille drage, man ikke behøver at frygte, hvis man bruger Jesus, som Sin Personlige Beskytter. Og det lærer alle Guds Børn om i virkeligheden. Det er både Bibelsk og hverdag for ALLE GUDS BØRN.
De har nemlig valgt Guds tilstedeværelse i deres liv, i deres familie, ligesom Noa, og i deres land, ligesom Kong David.
Og nu er vi i gang med at grundlægge Kong Jesus Forenede Stater, som er globalt. (Israel har fået vokseværk, selv USA er en del af Hans Rige. Hvor man kan tænke på og elske Gud, den Almægtige, både i Tanke og i Sind og i et Offentligt Forum.
Og vi får 3 Helligdage: Fredag til minde om Langfredag, og vores frelse. Lørdag til minde om Moses lov, som indførte en Hviledag, og Søndag til minde om Jesus Opstandelse.
Kl 6:47 In these Old Days, when B. Clinton was President, wars was not normal, the war in Yougoslavia was one of a kind, everything changed.
The Americans dropped 40.000 + bombs around their country.
Flying from Itally, but there were no "bags" used on the ground, the Americans did not kill people in that war, there was only 2 reports of dead people, caused by the bomming.
#1 A schoolbus, with children, was NOT HOLD back by the lokals on the bridge, The American has told: They had plans for: to bomb that day.
And #2 the Chinese Ambassy was also recieving a guided bomb, when people was still inside.
Bill Clinton was great in many situations.
I and He Honored Mother Theresa in that War, (She came from Yougoslavia)
The children in Medjourgoge, was praying in these days, and Virgin Mary, Mother to Jesus payed them attension, with a visit, and still do.
And NO Virgin Mary is a normal and vonderful Girl and mother to Jesus, and she is living for ever, and are able to visit earth, as we can see.
But SHE IS NOT The Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit is one of a kind, and Gods Soulmate, they created the univers together, the earth together and they created YOU together, THEY are YOUR Mother and Father eternal, and you become BELOVED like Jesus did, when - YOU are ready.
PUT them in your thoughts, in your SECRET PLACE, at tenth like the one Moses went to, when He want time with God Almighty.
Jesus did that, on Hid Long Friday Good Friday Easter Friday or better the right word, I dont remember the name used.
Because of the Lamb we are saved for making our OWN mistakes.
Bacause of Jesus YOU are saved, for this specific reason, I call for making every Friday a Holly Day, to Honor Jesus once a week, and hopeful all the days in every week.
The Crusifiction, will be forgotten in eternity, only you and those who ask for History, will be able to remember that evil act, done by us, against God and His Beloved Son.
But the word, the picture of Jesus being the Lamp, will be seen for eternity.
There will be a "Diesney world, with the storry of Israel, in Heaven" where you can take the family, and exsperience all things. As Written, and more to it.
Dr Percy Collett have been there and talks about in on his tape, (a copy is found on my homepage in wav and mp3 files, 36 hours of his life and his 5½ days in Heaven.)
But B. Clinton was great, a few days after I told him to go to Yougoslavia, as or like Lady Dianna would do, HE did, and holding a child, he showed sorrow for the situation.
Milosowic (or how you spell his name) was hiding in a bunker at last, and I brought the storry, told to me, by Danish soldiers in a train, on my way home one night. The bomb could pennetrade the ground, and explode deep underground, (I was told in the train) I brought that storry on my Homepage, and a few days later The president came out of the bunker, and was brought to Haag for a trial there, he spend days in court, trying to advokate for his doings. God told us, that He took him, and for this reason, he was reported dead in Prison. There are mutch more to this storry.
Bill Clinton was travelling around in the world talking for money for a long time after he was released as president. Great man.
His wife would not listen to the words the Lord God Almighty would bring to her. Litle and close came from me.
I could follow the episodes in the Bible, day by day, month by month, year by year we were making a copy from the old testament, the days of Elijah.
I found my self playing Elijah in that act.
The eagle: I went to America several times, and tryed to convert the Mormons several times, I was even presented for the sealed part of The Book of Mormon, and had made a translation of it in to Danish, and it was used in a church in Norway for a short time. And then suddenly, all the Monmon stuf was taken away, we should not read it anymore. I thing I saved a copy on my homepage of the english version of the Sealed Book of Mormon.
But all my mormon stuf was given to the church, I was founding together with some others, in Norway together with a true prophet.
I learned to trust in my self in these days, and found out: That God talked to me. OUR Father, together with Jesus, WE pray to OUR Father.
Where two are together, and if Jesus is the other person in TWO, you never go wrong with your contact, being together with Our Father.
Jesus is your LINE, your Cellphone, your Highpriest to God your Father and creator.
And God know all your thoughts before you even know Him. He is your creator, and Jesus will make wonderfull souls out of dust, together with God Almighty, Our Father.
Be nothing but ears to what God will do for you.
HE is READY waiting for you.
Salvation is ONE by ONE. YOU first. and When YOU are ready.
The first test was: Do you want to come back to God, do you want to come HOME.
Do you want to leave The devil, and be one of Gods blessed children.
When you said yes to this, you were born as Child, after Adam.
That was yout test: Do you want to leave all and everything, a yes from you, was made by you, and you became Human. Congratulation.
And Hell was not made for Human souls.
But even in Hell God Almighty has full controle.
I have some books on that subject on my old Homepage
Time is now 8:00 and I will take a breake.
8:15 It seems that God has another opinion about my break, to day:
Things could happen earlier and faster, but like these 15 minutes of a break, I asked for a break years ago, I wanted to be human, and it was granded (= allowed) by God Almighty. After a few years I was called Dead, by word used by Jesus and God Almighty.
Troy Black brought me back to life, and Julie Green helped me too.
They are the two golden ?? the golden oil run through and go out to all the world.

I have another Bill Clinton storry of important:
When the case against him, of having sex with Monica, I wrought a letter to the Congress of America 2 or 300 and 83 letters in 2 boxes with names on every envollup, of the members of the congress.
I said: Revealing the sexlife of Bill Clinton is the sama Cam did, when revealing Noah was naked, in his own tenth, where he should exspect privaty.
(It takes 5 days, for my message to reach America.)
And the was CASE CLOSED.
No one in the Congress got my letter.
But the man in charge, anounsed: Case closed, there is no case.
Even Bill Clinton did not know: How this could happen.
He did not want his eternal life being cursed.
I believe they can change, every one of them.
I also believe they wana change, Jesus will be the Judge, guided by their Father OUR FATHER
The Devil is a smal baby dragon, nothing to fear from him.
He will end up as a unborn child, because he would not give up his life as an evil spirit. (This i Biblical)
But we all the human said: I will give up my spirit life, and become a human soul, starting my day of life a new. Making God My Creator to be my Father, and think of Him every day, and every moment He or The Holy Spirit shall guide me, I will make my relations to God, that close, that there will be no home for me, except for being around HIM and together with HIM.
He must take me, as I am, and change me if I need it. Dress me if I am naked etc.
You will not know, what Jesus can create out of Dust.
Not before you have seen it.
YOU will be great, and YOU will grow greater in Their Hands.
Join The Caravan.
I am still working on making my cars running on wather.
"HHO car" on youtube, or in Google, will explain it for you.
But don't believe every storry, in these days, The Diesney world do not want you to know the truth, they are hiding the truth for us all.
But Diesney will also fall apart. There will be no manipulation of their kind, in Gods United States.
We do not want to live in a: "Fantasy world"
Neither do God Almighty want YOU to live in their fantasyworld.

Turn IN, join the Caravan of love.
AM 11:48 When God says: My Eagle, He ment: "His Holy Spirit!"
It is no longer: "a dow"
Implode, is what HHO do, and you had to ad wather in the intake, (This is one of the secrets, they don't tell about on Youtube, when talking about: "HHO to use in cars")
and in Julie Greens prophetic words for today
There are hundred, who know nothing, who talk about FREE ENERGY, not to tell the truth, but only to get peoples attension. (Like actors).
PM 19:46 Overvældet af træthed, gik jeg i stå, og kan ingen ting lave.
Jeg begynder, eller fortsætter på en Hestekur, med Tiamin B1 vitamin.
Jeg brugte næsten 1000 kr på at købe B vitaminer til Heste.
jeg skal selv bruge 1800 mg Tiamin B1 vitamin. Ifølge Universitetshospitalets undersøgelser
Det koster mig 100 kroner om dagen at købe vitaminpiller. som jeg skal have 72 stk af hver dag.
Der anbefales 1 tablet om dagligt.
Til mit formål (at blive sund og stærk igen) skal jeg dagligt indtage 40 gram pulver, med B1 vitamin, købt i dag.
4 kg Tiamin + 1 kg multi B vitamin, skal nu deles op i 100 portioner.
30 dage, 30 portioner skulle være nok til mig.