"Oh Lord, help me, let me find you!"
Pray for me Jesus, be my High priest.
"no tribulations, for My friends!"

"no tribulations, for My Bride!"

Psalms 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
Salme 50:15. Og kald på mig på Nødens dag; jeg vil udfri dig, og du skal ære mig.
. . . . "my latest from February 10 2024"

fra: www.beholy.be

af Mil Jan Wind Tlf 42 10 1730
about the mercy seat.
Min opfattelse af virkeligheden med forbehold

Percy Collett born 1902 died 1998,
5½ days in heaven on 36 Tapes / now CD
(don't miss Heaven)
download Percy and mp3

Map of Heaven

Book by Percy Collett April 22. 2010

With gif pictures. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

The revelations from the Stigmatized nun.
"Anna Catharine Emmerich" in German.de

Volume 1. Creation, Birth, and Baptism
· Vol. 2. The 40 days of Fast and teaching.
· Vol. 3. More New Testament.
· Vol. 4. Easter Cross; Resurrection
. Vol.1-4 All 4 books

.Jesus Påske; (på Dansk)

Write about:
"Jesus: the Top Stone!"
The great Pyramid, having:
1: the same size as Heavenly Jerusalem,
2: and having the blueprint of all times and
Rutherford died at the age of 80 in 1974
Pyramidology Vol. 1.

"Bill Wiese"
went to Hell for 23 minutes
"the testimonies from Bill Wiese".


a horror-video on YouTube

"Mary Katherine Baxter"
in Hell with Jesus

40 days in Hell and in Heaven
Same Book

Helvedet; (på Dansk)
in Heaven.

on skype: miljanwind
WW. May 2. 2012 Overseer (= forvalter)

Phone and SMS +0045-42101730

den stille stemme af: Krista Frandsen;
Jesus Påske; Helvedet; Sandhed; Sermon 3

. . my latest


"to day"

Oil? Oct.1. 007

And here is "the Bible" for the
professor, priest or preacher:


Mount Horeb & Splitrock:

Prayers Introduction
example:From: Visions Beyond the Veil
by H.A.Baker:
All text and all pictures
Feb. 20. 008 from the original book

Sadhu Sundar Singh Danish only

Padre Pio, from Saint Giovanni, Italy

Forargelse Danish only

Last day

The Krista Frandsen calender, only a few dates has been translated.

Become the Bride of Christ

Sandhed; (på Dansk)
Thanks, Jesus, for never being tiered of: calling my confidence to you.
(or: Building up my faith in you.)

"By that (confidence), you are united in Me; It is for Me a precious, priceless and dearest treasure."

"By this you receive everlasting joy - otherwise, (or in contrary) when you decline it, you will end up in the darkest despair.

A revelation to: Krista Frandsen September 29.

The Medjugorje Web / Virgin Mary:

Prayers Introduction
First prayer February 6. 008

January 25 2024 AM 7:53
The reason WE AS HUMANS, (= The seed after Adam) has being growing up among GIANTS, is because Heavenly Eternity is full of GIANTS.

When we enter Heaven, we as humans can expand_more, We should then obtain a better balance and then be able to increase work productivity.

If you and I think about Jesus, and what HE has been trough, not alone, but together with Our Heavenly Father, . . - -
He said on the cross: Father? "Where are you?
Our Heavenly Father got enough, at that time.
And Jesus OUR SAVIOR was born, a newborn Child.
And of cause Jesus left HIS boddy right then.

How mutch pain in the DARKNES ( on your cross) do you want to endure, to suffer?

Your Heavenly Father invented "Love and Justice" for Our sake, that we may LIVE FOR EVER.
There are two Angles, we had to pass, when we return to Paradise.
(= The two pillars of Hercules)
AM 8:33 January 25 2024
In REAL life these two angles has been sleeping outside the gate for Adam and Eve to go back in to "The Paradise"
and colourful flowers has been growing around them, where they has been waiting.
for the last 5784 years.
AM 10:59 January 25 2024
A special thanks to "Daily Prophetic Word" delivered by Alwyn Uys
Still going strong - now and forever HOLY PRIEST, September 21 2024
like Rabbi Manis Friedman is, but they are not equal. (I need Alwyn Uys and Rabbi Manis Friedman I enjoy, = I would like to understand HIM, and to be able to refeer to him)

to Julie Green / minihabil https://youtu.be/zlYSmHpeoJo?si=jJWT_YETkh39EVl2
She has and is so great, a modern prophet, that SHE now got a fake made copy of her name and work of God Almighty, on youtube, at this time (= since February 2024 until now) September 21 2024

to Troy Black https://youtu.be/l3m7kpQgo?si=xlS6z2TUy0Nfdm82

low fat - No fat => getting FAT

the Qur'an expert https://youtu.be/0X3-Fy4e_50?si=sH1UPrZgYLlCkjrH

(I hope I got the letters right PM 13:30)
Any missioner can make a marvelous work out of Gods Precious Stones: The WORDS.


"When you go back to the earth," He emphasized, "remember that it is not you, who does the healing. It is not the vessel that heals; it is I. Just speak my Word and pray, and I will do the healing. Believe that I can do it." {From end of Chapter 2 in A DIVINE REVELATION OF HEAVEN} ******* New on: February 16. 2010 Percy Collett Map of Heaven

Psalms 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
Salme 50:15. Og kald på mig på Nødens dag; jeg vil udfri dig, og du skal ære mig,

Word of wisdom February Sunday 21. 2010 A.M. 4:11 "Underestimated"
for a specifik reason, this frontpage has been reestablished on April 18/19 2023,
from an original page, that was made in 2010